
National Level Technical Symposium

Our Mission

The mission of CIT is to educate the citizens and citizen-leaders for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a AI, Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics. Beginning in the classroom with exposure to new ideas, new ways of understanding, and new ways of knowing, students embark on a journey of intellectual transformation. Through a diverse living environment, where students live with people who are studying different topics, who come from different walks of life and have evolving identities, intellectual transformation is deepened and conditions for social transformation are created. From this we hope that students will begin to fashion their lives by gaining a sense of what they want to do with their gifts and talents, assessing their values and interests, and learning how they can best serve the world.

Our Vision

Knowledge is the eye of desire and can become the pilot of the soul. An expert is a man who knows just that much more about his subject than his associates. Most of us are nearer the top than we think. We fail to realize how easy it is, how necessary it is to learn that fraction more. That fraction could only be gained through experience and competitive learning. We at CIT have cultivated this habit of gaining that fraction through multiple Technical Events. Among such events, the highly competitive one would be Intellina. Prepare to cherish that fraction within a couple of days.v

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Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Avinashi Road, Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641014.

Great Event and Enjoyed it

Monish Kumar

The Event was too good and the coordination between the organisation committee was awesome


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